Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A PR and then...

So, some things never change :) I am not great at blogging!
3 weeks ago I ran the St. George 1/2 marathon.  It really was a no pressure race for me.  I knew I would be racing another 1/2 in 3 weeks and I really just wanted to see what kind of 1/2 shape I was in.  My PR was 1:27:34 which is 6:42 pace.  The thought of running that fast for 13.1 miles was very intimidating.  I knew I had done it before but the thought still scared me!  I also knew that the altitude would probably affect me in some way but I have raced at altitude quite a bit and I always think, why worry about something that is out of my control.  I looked at the course the day before and realized that it was pretty holy for the first 8 miles.  I live in a hilly part of town so hills don't scare me but let's be honest they slow everyone down a little :).
So race morning was cold!  27 but beautiful and sunny, I will take it :). I had the pleasure of running a little of my warmup with Rachelle from running for Trevor.  It was really fun to see her for a bit.
I was planning on sticking with the 1:30 pacer and then if I felt good assess after the hills ( mile 8).  I was not trying to PR but intended to run hard and see what happened.
The race started and I found myself in front of the 1:30 pacer and actually with the 1:25 pacer.  What to do?  I just went with it hoping not to blow up :)
1-6:30 wondering if I was making the right choice but at some point I need to take risks
2-6:41 the incline was starting
3-6:31 trying to settle in at a comfortable pace
6-6:52 some pretty good hills, just trying to stay sub 7
7-6:48 biggest hill in the race, having a hard time breathing normally, oh yeah, the altitude
8-6:28 all the climbing paid off in some good downhill
9-6:38 at this point I had let the 1:25 pacer go and while I thought if I made it thought the hills I would be able to lower my pace that is not what was happening.  The altitude was really getting to me and flat ground was proving just as difficult as the hills.  Took 3 Honey Stinger chews and kept at it.
10-6:40 5k left, could I pull it together and hang on?
11-6:53, thought the hills were over but there was a good ascent and I was struggling!
12-6:41 flat ground but at this point was trying to lower my pace and I just could drop it.  Mentally I was done!
13-6:38 I got passed by 2 women in the last mile :(. They were cruising I could not even contend :(. Both ended up being in my age group, oh well I ran as hard as I could.
Last .11-6:04 guess I had a little kick.

Official time1:27:06
A PR by 28 seconds, I was really happy with my effort and was excited that I was able to PR on a fair course with hills and altitude:)

Fast forward 3 weeks and I found myself at the start line of the Heartbreaker 1/2 marathon.  I was having a hard time wrapping my brain around running faster than my PR, 6:39 min/mile pace scared me and even though I had just run that, I still was not confident that I could do it again.  So to say I was not in the best place mentally would be an understatement.  I was really not feeling like running fast and had actually told several people that if I started the race and it was not happening that I was just going to slow down and find a comfortable pace.  My friend had texted me to do what filled me.  That really struck me.  I really needed or do what filled ME and if it was not racing, that was ok.
So after a restless night of sleep, I was off to the races :). I was not nervous, just figured whatever would be was going to be.
Stay tuned for the result, hopefully tomorrow I will have time to finish this race report :)