The name of the team I was lucky enough to run on this year was 21% Body Fat.
This was my 2nd time doing this relay and I LOVE IT!!!! Don't get me wrong there are times during the race that I ask myself, "I really paid to do this?" Sleep deprivation is always the hardest part.
I had not met anyone on my team until the night before which was a little crazy but it could not have turned out better! I loved everyone on my team!
I was runner 5 which means tough legs and 19+ miles.
Here I am at the start looking all fresh and excited :) The scenery of this race is amazing!!! If you EVER have a chance do run this, do not hesitate!!!
After cheering and supporting the first 4 of our runners, it was my turn. While waiting for Toni (runner 4) to get to the exchange I started chatting with a guy that was also waiting, he was on team #190. He asked my pace 10K pace and I told him that I had not run a 10K in so long and then I told him my 1/2 pace. Well as I walked to the exchange point I guess he and his teammates were doubting my speed and were talking about it while my teammate Rachelle was still standing there. I took the bracelet from Toni and I guess they saw me take off and started to believe me. I only share this story because for the rest of the race you better believe that our team was gunning for #190 :) Yes I do love some friendly competition!
Leg #5- HOT!!!! I took off fast and paid for it, it was way too hot! 90!
6.08 miles in 44:35, 7:20 pace, dang heat!!
Leg #17- the night run, I loved it!!! It felt so great compared to my first run. My guy from team #190 had taken off about 5 minutes before me and I was trying to catch him the whole time.
7.18 miles in 49:30, 6:54 pace
Leg #27- Poor Emily got injured so I picked up 2.15 miles of her leg before Rachelle took over the rest
2.15 miles 15:20 7:02 pace
Leg #29-the dreaded A frame. Up and over the mountain, it was too warm but it could have been much worse. The encouragement from all the vans was amazing!!! My calves were screaming at me all the way up and my legs felt like lead, I tried to push harder but it just was not happening going up the mountain. After the crest I was holding about 6:45 down the backside. Quads screaming a little on the downhill.
6.11 miles 48:35, 7:54 pace
Total miles:21.52
Oh and just in case you were wondering we did beat team #190 by 27 minutes, but who's counting :)
Happy to be done and now it was time to wait for Van #2 with sand between my toes :)

Everyone was so amazing!!! I love runners!! Everyone is so encouraging and inspiring!!
We did it, snowy peaks to sandy beach in 28:30:46 !!!!!

Love me some Body Fat!!!!