I ran 3295 miles in 2012. That is a lot of miles :). 2012 was a year that brought failure and success for me. I learned so much and met so many great people through running :). I feel blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful mentors and friends in this running community!
So what's next? Right after Seattle I was pumped and really wanted to find another marathon and crank out another one. I am still pumped and know that there is a faster marathon in me but I don't think I will run another marathon until spring. I don't know which one, any suggestions? I have considered Newport, Utah Valley, Grandmas, and maybe Windermere redemption :)
This year my goal is to run at least 1 race very month. So far it looks like this:
January 19- St. George 1/2 ( yes in 3 days, I was going to be there visiting my sister and was going to run anyway so why not :)
Feb. 9- Heartbreaker 1/2
March 2-Champoeg 30k
April-? Maybe Ragnar So. Cal
May11- Hippie Chick 1/2
June-? Maybe Utah valley full or Grandmas full
October-? Maybe St. George full, Portland full
Another goal is to race a 5k. I really don't want to do this one but I need to step out and do something that is really uncomfortable :)
Life is so busy and I have written so many blogs in my head but that is where they remain :). Life is good!
Hope to have a good race report from Saturday, although it may take me awhile :)