My racing this year has exceeded my expectations! I have accomplished more that I thought I was capable of doing so I did not expect this race to be what it was. What is it you ask? The race that would test my mental and physical strength. I had not planned on racing again this year but when Nicole suggested that I come run this race with her of course I had a hard time saying no. I am glad that I did this race, it was fun to run with Nicole and I do love races. My life has been really crazy lately. We just moved and October is already the craziest month for me as a Mom, lots of birthdays and activities. My running has not suffered, I always seem to find time to fit it in, it keeps me sane. So what the heck happened yesterday? From the time I registered I just could not wrap my head around this race. I think that I have been so physically and mentally tired over the past month that the thought of racing hard was not appealing but I really thought that at race time I would be able to get my head in the game.
I got up at 4:45am after about 5 hours of sleep, not the greatest but that is usually how it is, right? Anyway I got all my stuff together and left to meet Nicole and then head down to Lebanon, Oregon. We had to make several potty stops but that is always better than having to stop in the race :) We got there with plenty of time to spare.

All smiles waiting for the bus to take us to the start line :) We picked up our packets, dropped our bags, did a little 1 mile warmup, decided we were overdressed, picked our bags back up, changed clothes, used the potty again, then we were standing at the start line :) I still was not feeling it, not a good sign. Still hopeful that once the race started that the adrenaline would kick in and I would love every mile.

Mile 1- Actually felt good and easy. I was hopeful that it would just get better.
6:49 pace (Maybe too fast but I figured I would atleast try and PR and if I was going to do that my average pace needed to be sub 6:40)
Mile 2-Still feeling pretty good but things were starting to roll. Toward the end of the mile, my legs were starting to ache a little. I started to worry a little.
6:51 pace
Mile 3- I really started to question what I was doing, it was getting harder to hold my pace and so I slowed a little.
6:56 pace
Mile 4-I remember Nicole told me that between miles 4-8 there was a small elevation gain. There were more rolling hills than I expected and the thought of 9 more miles seemed inpossible to me.
7:01 pace
When my watch beeped at 4 miles I came to a complete stop, I really did not want to go on. I was not going to quit but I wanted to sit down and have a time out. What the heck , who does that in a race? I guess I do.
Mile 5- I decided to keep on moving but it was still tough. I just kept plugging along. I thought about listening to my ipod but decided against it. (I wish I had!!) My tantrum cost me some time. :)
7:22 pace
Miles 6-8 All about digging deep, knew that if I could male it through the half way point that mentally this would give me a boost mentally. I was finally able to pass the one woman that I could see if front of me. That felt good :)
Mile 9- I felt good during this mile, I was starting to remember why I loved running :)
Mile 10-Only a 5K left :) I started passing some more guys and that was encouraging.
Mile 11-I needed a kick so I decided to plug in. Why did I not turn my music on sooner? I usually do not listen to my ipod during races but I needed it! Nothing a little "Push It" can't fix :)
Mile 12 & 13 were tough but I knew I was almost done and I was passing a few more guys :) I could see the finish area and I had a little bit left in the tank. I crossed the finish line and they announced my name and that I was 3rd female. I was happy about that!
1:31:53 3rd female, 1st in my age group
As soon as I got my medal, I knew that Nicole was not far behind me and I started to jog so that I could cheer her on. Sure enough I saw her coming. I yelled for her to push it. She was flying, that girl has a fierce kick!

After the race :) Do you like my halloween arm warmers?
This was an awesome race, especially for it's first year. They had quite the spread of goodies after the race and great door prizes and gift baskets for the top three finishers.

Nicole and I both took 1st in our age groups and got these lovely glasses

I have had plenty of time to think about this race and while initially I was not happy that I had such a hard time it has made me realize that I needed this race. It has made me realize I am not superwoman, I can not be on everyday and that is okay. We all have runs where things just feel hard and sometimes it happens on race day! I am happy with my time, it was not my fastest half but I fought harder for this one than any other that I have run. I am happy that I did not give up, and believe me I wanted to.