Yesterday I ended the year with a great early morning 16 miler with the Team Athena girls. If it were not for them I would have ended up watching Felicity on my new Ipad (thanks honey :)) while logging more boring treadmill miles. It was really icy this morning and I was a little afraid of falling but the girls would not let me wuss out. It is so nice to have running partners that join in the fun with you :)
I logged my last miles of 2011 in my running journal and then added up all the miles :) Also hit a milestone of 71 miles this week :) No I am not in the middle of marathon training, nor do I have a race planned. Do I need to pick a marathon, YES!!! Anyway it was fun to reflect on the year and think about all that has happened and how those 2700 miles have kept me sane through motherhood, building a house, selling a house, and all of my party planning craziness.

My fancy running journal :)
2011 was a very successful year for me as far as running goes. I guess I realized that I have more potential than I ever thought I did. This year I got more serious about my running, I want to see what I can really do, how far I can push myself. I am starting to realize that I need to set some pretty big goals for myself. That is the only way I am going to reach my potential. I have met some pretty amazing women runners this past year and it is because of them that I have started to believe in big dreams.
My 2011 races
Del Sol Ragnar Relay female ultra team- we took 1st (huge challenge, very rewarding :) I ran 40 miles in 22 hours.
Run For Risa 1/2 marathon-1st female
Helvetia 1/2 marathon- 4th female overall, 1st in AG, PR 1:32:05
Sauvie Island 1/2 marathon 7th overall ( I think), 1st in AG, new PR 1:27:49
American Fork 1/2 marathon 2nd AG, new Pr 1:27:34
Hood to Coast Relay
St. George Marathon with my sister :)
Runaway Pumpkin 1/2 marathon 3rd female, 1st in AG
It was a successful year ad I am excited to see what 2012 holds :) My biggest goal is a new marathon PR. I am not quite done deciding what my racing is going to look like in 2012 but I am close. Maybe my next post :) Decisions, decisions :)